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Filtering Settings

This section lets you define rules to filter orders and get proper merging suggestions. Also there are rules to filter automatically merging orders.

Filtering Rules

Add a filtering rule by clicking on the Add rule button

There can be multiple filters with different conditions.

  • For an order to pass a filtering rule, all conditions of that rule must be fulfilled.
  • If an order passes Any filtering rule, it will pass the whole filter setting.

Rule Structure

You can activate or deactivate filtering rules using the button at the end of each rule card. Activated rules are effective and Deactivated rules are ignored and are only a way to save a rule you already defined for later use.

Filtering & Grouping Settings User Defined Empty Rule

By clicking each condition button on the bottom of the rule card, a condition row is added to the active conditions.

Filtering Default Conditions

Condition Structure

Conditions like shipping address, customer tags, tags, and shipping carrier need values that should be specified by comma-separated tags or names.

Filtering & Grouping Settings Conditions

Duplicate Conditions

  • If any value in a comma-separated condition is fulfilled, the entire condition row will be considered fulfilled :
Filtering Comma Separated Values (OR)
  • If you want to filter an order to include two or more values (for example, at least two tags), duplicate the condition row :
Filtering Comma Separated Values (AND)

More Examples of Filtering

Creation date

  • is in last

This condition filters orders by their Creation Time.
You can choose to include only orders created within the last X minutes, hours, or days.

Filtering by Creation Date

Customer tags

  • contain
  • do not contain

This condition filters orders by their Customer Tags (separate with commas for multiple tags or duplicate the condition).
You can choose to exclude some orders that have or don't have certain customer tags

Filtering by Customer Tags

Financial status

  • is
  • is not
    • Pending
    • Authorized
    • Partially_paid
    • Partially_refunded
    • Paid
    • Refunded
    • Expired

This condition filters orders based on their Financial Status.

Filtering by Financial Status

Fulfillment status

  • is
  • is not
    • Partially_fulfilled
    • Unfulfilled
    • Pending_fulfillment

This condition filters orders based on their Fulfillment Status.

Filtering by Fulfillment Status

Shipping address

  • country is
  • country is not
  • province is
  • province is not
  • city is
  • city is not

This condition filters orders based on their Shipping Address (separated by commas for multiple addresses or duplicate the condition).

Filtering by Shipping Address

Shipping carrier

  • is
  • is not

This condition filters orders based on their Shipping Carrier (separate with commas for multiple carriers or duplicate the condition).

Filtering by Shipping Carrier


  • contain
  • do not contain

This condition filters orders by their Tags (separate with commas for multiple tags).

Filtering by Tags

Two Rules Example

Take a look at the example below :

Filtering by Tags

There are two filtering rules. First rule says all orders for 'USA' must have 'no-merge' tag. Second rule is the opposite of first rule and all orders must not have 'no-merge' tag for all countries except 'USA'.
So you can use different filtering rules to customize how to treat to orders.